Lisa Pepper

Divorce Lawyers London
Family Law

Contact Lisa

  • “Lisa is extremely hard-working and adored by her clients. She is a very empathetic and approachable lawyer.”

  • “Lisa Pepper is fantastic with people and generates calm in her meetings to help clients give of their best.”

  • Recommended 2023, Family Lawyers 


Insights from LisaVIEW ALL

  1. Prenup agreement and gavel

    Judge ignores pre-nuptial agreement but factors in non-matrimonial...

    Case Law One of the reasons I am still passionate about family law, after 20 years in the field, is that...

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  2. Business people group handshake in office

    Mediation or Arbitration: What’s best for me?

    Few divorcing couples want to end up in court, which is why mediation and arbitration are faster and more effective...

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  3. 5.3.2021

    Can you contest a prenuptial agreement?

    Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are getting a divorce after nearly seven years of marriage.  According to reports, Kim filed...

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  4. 5.10.2020

    Lockdown rush to cohabitation leaves couples lacking financial...

    When the lockdown was announced many couples had to make a rushed decision to move in together or face months...

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  5. wedding dress

    When did Prenups become Enforceable in the UK?

    On 20th October 2010, the highest court in the land had the final say in one of the most eagerly awaited...

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