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    Blog article published: 23rd March 2023

    Кейт Милтън, старши сътрудник адвокат в адвокатска кантора Осборнс (Osbornes Law), предствляваше румънска гражданка, която беше блъсната от автомобил с превишена скорост, докато се прибирала от работа. Обстоятелствата на инцидента са трагични и за съжаление ответникът и спътникът на ищеца... Read more

  2. Divorce Jurisdiction

    Blog article published: 23rd March 2023

    Is England/Wales the Right Jurisdiction for Your Divorce? When it comes to getting divorced, London has a lot of attraction for individuals coming from overseas, where it is often...

  3. Private Pregnancy Scans and Substandard Care

    Blog article published: 23rd March 2023

    In the news, it has been reported that private clinics that offer pregnancy scans to women are not meeting the relevant standards. NHS Pregnancy Scans During pregnancy, it is important...

  4. Cohabitation agreements

    Blog article published: 22nd March 2023

    Unmarried couples who live together do not have the same legal protection as married couples and civil partners when they break up. Our solicitors can help you draft a robust...

  5. Does it matter if you’re a breadwinner or a homemaker when agreeing a financial settlement?

    Blog article published: 22nd March 2023

    When it comes to deciding how wealth is split, English courts do not discriminate based on your role within the family. A Spanish court hit the headlines recently after it...

  6. Parental Responsibility

    Blog article published: 22nd March 2023

    Understanding Parental Responsibility Parental responsibility is the legal term used to describe the duties and responsibilities that parents have for their children. These responsibilities exist until a child reaches adulthood...

  7. Cadru medical NHS – victimă a unui accident grav de bicicletă

    Case Studies article published: 22nd March 2023

    Av. asociat Laura Swaine din cadrul firmei Osbornes Law a obținut o despăgubire de 6 cifre pentru o reclamantă care a fost aruncată de pe bicicletă. Reclamanta era medic...

  8. Louis Silverman

    Team profile

    Louis joined Osbornes in February 2023 as a paralegal in the Personal Injury department, dealing with new enquiries. He graduated from The University of Manchester with a Bachelor’s in law...