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  3. Cadrul de răspuns la incident pentru siguranța pacientului

    Blog article published: 14th June 2023

    Ce este Cadrul de răspuns la incident pentru siguranța pacientului (PSIRF) Potrivit website-ului NHS, PSIRF este o parte cheie a NHS Patient Safety Strategy, publicată pentru prima dată î...

  4. Accident de motocicletă – Despăgubiri de peste 3 milioane de lire

    Case Studies article published: 14th June 2023

    Accident de motocicletă produce vătămări care pot schimba viața. K.M, asociat principal la Osbornes Law a soluționat o cerere de despăgubire în valoare...

  5. Curtea evitată după soluționarea unei cereri de neglijență dentară

    Blog article published: 9th June 2023

      Echipa de neglijență medicală a negociat recent soluționarea unui caz complex de neglijență dentară. Clienta noastră s-a confruntat cu o serie de probleme grave ca urmare a neglijenț...

  6. Will Dispute Case Law

    Case Studies article published: 9th June 2023

    New Births And New Relationships? Review Your Will To Avoid A Dispute You’d imagine a wealthy businessman with assets in different countries would remember to update his will to...

  7. Proprietary Estoppel Case Law

    Case Studies article published: 9th June 2023

    On A Lick And A Promise? The First Hurdle In Proprietary Estoppel Claims Solicitors are increasingly instructed by clients who have been promised a valuable asset, such as a farm...

  8. Provenance Unknown But Will Was Valid And No Forgery

    Case Studies article published: 9th June 2023

    The court has rejected a claim that a will was forged, even though its origins could not be identified, it contained unusual clauses indicative of foreign law – and there were “...