Arm Injury Claims

Claim Compensation for Arm, Hand and Finger Injuries

Upper limb injuries include amputation to arms, hands or fingers, RSI and shaking. This guide shows the range of compensation.

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Arm, hand and shoulder damage can be caused by a single accident or by industrial disease.

Examples of disease are the so-called Repetitive Strain Injury (or Work Related Upper Limb Disorder) cases, where prolonged use of vibrating tools or exposure to an ergonomically unsuitable workstation or work equipment or process causes symptoms.

General Damages for Upper Limb Injuries

Min Max
Injuries to the Elbow (Up to) £30,000
Wrist Injuries (Up to) £33,000
Hand Injuries
From loss of both hands to amputation of finger/fingers £34,000 £110,000
Serious Hand Injuries £8,000 £34,000
Moderate £3,500 £7,250
Minor £500 £2,250
Injuries to finger/s (Up to) £13,500
Injuries to Thumb (Up to) £30,000
Vibration White Finger and/or Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Serious £9,250 £21,000
Moderate £4,750 £9,250
Minor £1,500 £4,750

Vibration White Finger is often found in people who have used hand-held vibrating tools like road drills and chainsaws, especially in the construction and mining industries.

Poor working conditions can cause a variety of complaints, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tenosynovitis and tendonitis. These claims can be difficult to prove, in terms of establishing a breach of workplace regulations or that a breach caused the symptoms, but they are worth pursuing where possible because they can involve serious injuries requiring surgery and sometimes leading to the Claimant’s loss of job and livelihood. Secretaries and other keyboard users can be vulnerable to these types of injuries.

Fractures to the long bones and joints are common injuries. Fractures that recover uneventfully usually attract damages of £3500 to £4500. Those involving the joint and the risk of osteoarthritis and those requiring surgery are valued higher. The most serious fractures are worth more than £20,000 and amputation cases are valued at up to £110,000.

Personal injury compensation is divided into two main categories, one for the injuries themselves (general damages) and a second for the financial losses caused by the injury (special damage). This second category includes compensation for loss of earnings, care, and medical expenses. In amputation cases, the special damage claim will often be worth several hundred thousand pounds because of the need for prosthetics and other equipment.

Client StoriesVIEW ALL

  1. stadium

    Pedestrian receives £1.75 million following amputation

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  2. Ambulance

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    Mr N, a Romanian man in his 30s, came to the UK to work with his father-in-law in early 2018. He...

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    Mr S was walking across the yard at work when he was run over by a forklift truck from behind....

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  6. Ambulance vehicles at the Royal London Hospital

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  8. hospital

    Limb amputation to pedestrian awarded £1.8million

    Our client suffered life-changing injuries as she was walking home from work. A speeding driver lost control of his vehicle...

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  9. 23.6.2021

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    Mr C a young Romanian national, came to this country for work in 2015. He soon found work as a cleaner...

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  13. white lily

    Young female pedestrian killed in road accident

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  14. man in car

    Osbornes Settles Brain Injury Case For Six Figure...

    Osbornes acted for a Hungarian doctor who sustained a serious brain injury in a road accident. She was walking from...

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  15. building site

    Basement fatality convictions highlight health and safety regulations

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  16. Worker in factory

    Osbornes settles finger amputation claim for record £1 million...

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  18. vehicles on motorway

    Brain injury car accident victim receives £5m

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  19. 19.6.2013

    Man who suffers head injury in car crash...

    A man who suffered a serious head injury as a passenger in a car accident has been awarded compensation to...

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  20. blue water

    Woman secures compensation after head injury

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  21. 19.6.2012

    Student involved in accident receives compensation for serious...

    A student who was knocked down by a car on her way to university has received £147,000 in compensation for the...

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