Motorbike accident results in multiple Injuries

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Blanca Diego, Personal Injury solicitor at Osbornes Law, settled a claim for a 30-year-old motorcyclist who was involved in a Road Traffic Accident in September 2018.
The Claimant was riding his motorcycle along a main road and as he was passing a turning into a side road he was hit by the Defendant’s car. The Defendant was travelling from the opposite direction, turned right across the Claimant’s path and collided with him. The Claimant’s motorcycle was hit with the right front of the Defendant’s vehicle. The Claimant, and also his motorbike, flew over the car. He landed on the ground first with his hands and then with his legs.
As a result of the motorcycle accident, the Claimant sustained multiple contusions and lacerations over both hands, soft tissue injury affecting both knees, scarring of the hands and knees, soft tissue trauma affecting the left shoulder, right scapula and right shoulder, soft tissue injuries affecting the right sole and right leg and a head injury and post-concussional syndrome.
The Claimant had several tattoos and, the tattoos on his knees had been disfigured as a result of the scar.
The case settled for £15,000 and included the cost of re-tattooing the disfigured tattoos as well as a couple of months of loss of earnings.
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