What is a Pet Prenup?



Diana Bastow

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Including pets in a pre-nuptial agreement

What happens to a pet when a relationship breaks down and both parties want Fluffy to live with them? Indeed, it was reported that one point of contention during negotiations of the high-profile divorce between Anthony McPartlin and Lisa Armstrong was the arrangements concerning their much-loved dog Hurley.

Despite many pets being treated as part of the family and being loved just like a child, family law treats pets as possessions and will look towards evidence of ownership just like it would when determining who may own a painting.

A court does not take into consideration matters relating to who was the primary caregiver for Fluffy, who could provide the best home for Fluffy or what would be in Fluffy’s best interest.

Who Gets Custody of The Dog?

Instead, a Court would base their decision on proof of ownership and in order to determine this they would consider the following:

  • Who paid for the pet
  • Who’s name the pet was registered to
  • Who’s name the microchip was registered to
  • Which party is registered as the owner at the vet
  • Who has paid the insurance and vet bill
  • Having a decision based on ownership rather than considering who has cared for and devoted themselves to the pet can be devastating.

Pet Prenups Increasingly Common

In order to avoid these issues in the event of a relationship breakdown, it is now becoming common for family pets to be included in pre-nuptial or post-nuptial and cohabitation agreements. These agreements can set out clearly what will happen to the family pet in case a relationship breaks down, who the pet will live with if there will be a shared “custody agreement”, and who will be responsible for paying for the upkeep, insurance and vet bills.

Including your pet in an agreement can help avoid future heartbreak and further acrimony when a relationship breaks down.

How Osbornes Law can help

If you would like to discuss the benefits of entering into a pre/postnuptial agreement or co-habitation agreement, don’t hesitate to contact Diana Bastow, on 0207 485 8811, or complete an online enquiry form.

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