Département anglo-français en droit de la famille
Nous assistons des clients français qui se séparent, divorcent ou se marient en Angleterre et des clients anglais ayant des intérêts en France.
“Osbornes handle a significant amount of complex, high-value divorce work.”
“The family law team at Osbornes is one of the strongest in London; across all areas of work from international cases, financial and children work, Osbornes is a market leader.”
Avocats spécialisés en droit de la famille anglo-français à Londres
Si vous avez des connections avec la France et l’Angleterre et que vous envisagez de vous marier, de vous séparer ou de divorcer, il est important d’obtenir le plus tôt possible les conseils d’un avocat spécialisé dans le droit international de la famille. Nous vous aiderons à effectuer le meilleur choix pour vous et votre famille en cas de conflit de juridictions et vous offrirons des conseils spécialisés tout au long du déroulement de votre affaire.
Victoria Plisson, notre avocate française, peut vous conseiller en français sur le droit anglais et vous expliquer les différences avec le système français. Elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec des experts français (avocats, notaires, etc.).
Elle intervient notamment dans les domaines suivants :
- Divorce anglo-français ;
- Contrat de mariage français vs contrat prénuptial anglais;
- Arrangements pour les enfants et relocalisation dans un contexte anglo-français.
Victoria comme tous nos avocats est membre de Resolution, l’association des avocats spécialisés dans le droit de la famille qui s’engagent à résoudre les litiges de manière constructive. Nous comprenons l’anxiété et la détresse que vous pouvez ressentir et nous nous efforçons d’être accessibles et créatifs dans notre travail avec vous.
Quelle que soit votre situation familiale, si vous avez besoin de conseils, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.
Ne manquez pas d’écouter notre podcast, French Family Transitions, destiné aux familles françaises en Angleterre, en collaboration avec Chloe O, coach en divorce pour expats. Tous les mois nous diffusons un nouvel épisode au cours duquel Chloe et Victoria partagent des informations légales et des conseils pratiques.
French Family Transitions – le podcast des familles françaises en Angleterre
Episode 1 – Voyager en France avec les enfants après une séparation en Angleterre
Episode 2 – Divorce et animaux : qui garde le chien?
Episode 3 – Infidélité et divorce : entre cœur et légalités
Services De Droit De La Famille Anglo-Français
Parlez à un avocat familial dès aujourd’hui
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Email us Send us an email and we’ll get back to you
Stephanie Prior continues to receive widespread praise from clients, who state that she explains the legal aspects of the case very clearly, and she is also a caring person who handles cases on a personal level.
Lisa Pepper deals with separation proceedings and leave to remove cases. Sources describe her as "a great person to work with: constructive, helpful and always infectiously happy.
"Rob Aylott is a top-class litigator who has an unrivalled knowledge of catastrophic personal injury. A ferocious eye for detail means that quantum claims are always maximised and every angle analysed in liability cases."
Stuart Kightley regularly handles cases involving brain injuries, fatal accidents, cycling collisions and workplace accidents.
"Osbornes has impressed me with their personal touch for clients whilst offering a first-class handling of catastrophic injury claims. The partners all have vast experience and are highly respected in their field."
News & Insights from our Family Law SolicitorsVIEW ALL
- 22.3.2023
Cohabitation Agreements
Unmarried couples who live together do not have the same legal protection as married couples and civil partners when they...
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What is legal parenthood and how is it...
This issue was in the news recently, when a married Oklahoma same-sex couple were in court over a dispute about...
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IR v OR: Judge Dismisses Pre-Nup in Landmark £184...
One of the reasons I am still passionate about family law, after 20 years in the field, is that it is...
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What if my partner predeceases me before we...
A review of a recent case concerning consent during fertility treatment. When going through fertility treatment as a couple, it...
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Declaration of parentage after mistake at register office
Recently in the news has been the outcome of the case of Osborne & Anor v Cambridgeshire County Council [2022] EWHC 1982 (...
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New strategy to make fertility treatment more accessible
In July 2022, the Department of Health for England released its strategy aimed at improving Women’s Health. While women represent 51%...
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Proposed Changes to Gamete Donor Anonymity Laws in...
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has proposed changes to the law surrounding gamete donor anonymity in the UK....
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Mediation or Arbitration: What’s best for my...
Is arbitration or mediation better in a divorce? Few divorcing couples want to end up in court, which is why...
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Do I need permission to take a child...
The Importance of Getting Permission Before Taking a Child Abroad Taking a child abroad requires more than just booking flights...
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Legal considerations in the surrogacy process
What Are My Surrogacy Options at Home and Abroad? When you’re considering surrogacy as an intended parent, you may...
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Birth parent fails to overturn adoption order
Most adoption applications go through smoothly and it is only in the minority of cases that birth parents seek to...
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Changes in Fertility Law Benefit Families
Following campaigning by those working in the fertility sector and public consultation in 2020, the Government announced on 6th September 2021 that...
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Can you contest a prenuptial agreement?
Contesting a prenup Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are getting a divorce after nearly seven years of marriage. According to...
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Russian Adoptions
Adopting a baby from Russia can give a chance of a family to a child who would otherwise spend their...
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Financial Rights of Cohabiting Couples: Case Law
Introduction to Gow v Grant [2012] UKSC 29 Gow v Grant [2012] UKSC 29 is a decision of the Supreme Court dealing with the...
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Do You Pay Child Maintenance if Your Ex...
Does cohabiting with a new partner affect child support? – Case Law The case X v Y (Maintenance Arrears: Cohabitation) (2012) considered...
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Thai Case Shines The Light on International Surrogacy
This week, a story reported by the Telegraph raises some interesting questions about international surrogacy. The reporting states that a 28...
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When did Prenups become Enforceable in the UK?
On 20th October 2010, the highest court in the land had the final say in one of the most eagerly awaited...
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