Maternity claim for fatality following caesarean section

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Stephanie Prior

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Stephanie Prior is acting for a gentleman whose wife died after she had a caesarean section. The claim is on behalf of the deceased’s husband and their two dependent children (17- & 2-year-old) who pursue claims against an NHS Foundation Trust. The deceased suffered a Massive Obstetric Haemorrhage and there are failures that have been identified prior to and post-c-section which led to her death in February 2019.

An inquest took place in January 2020, the deceased’s husband does not speak English and Osbornes provide a Romanian speaking solicitor to attend all meetings with the client. Liability has been admitted and quantum is being investigated, negotiations for settlement are ongoing and it is hoped that this case will settle without the need for proceedings to be formally issued at court. The deceased’s husband is grief-stricken.

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