Osbornes re-accredited by serious brain injury charity Headway

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Osbornes are delighted to announce that after going through an assessment process, the personal injury department has been re-approved by the head injury charity Headway to remain on their list of recommended head injury solicitors in 2014.

Headway is a charity which was set up to provide help and support to people affected by brain injury. The charity promotes understanding of brain injury through publishing information on all aspects of brain injury, lobbying for access to better support and resources for those living with a brain injury and campaigns for measures that will reduce brain injury accidents.

It is estimated that each year more than 1 million people in the UK attend hospital as a result of a head injury. Some recent figures from Headway include:

Total UK admissions to hospital for head injury in 2011-12

UK admissions to hospital with a non-superficial head injury in 2011-12

Increase in UK head injury admissions in the last decade

10,000 – 20,000
Number of severe traumatic brain injuries per year in the UK

The role of a specialist brain injury solicitor is to support the victim of an injury and their family and make sure that they have access to the appropriate rehabilitation and medical expertise to maximise recovery. Part of this support is to help claim financial compensation which is vital for the changing needs and requirements of the sufferer, enabling them to live as independent as is possible and to enjoy the best quality of life that they can, given their circumstances and injury.

Ben Posford, head of catastrophic injury at Osbornes comments:

 “We are pleased to have been re-approved by Headway as a firm of solicitors who specialise in head injury. The accreditation is like a ‘kitemark’ to demonstrate our expertise in this area and our commitment to working for accident victims with acquired brain injury.”

If you or a member of your family has sustained a head or brain injury in an accident, contact Ben for advice and help on making a claim for compensation and gaining access to relevant medical help and rehabilitation services. You can contact Ben by calling us or by filling in our online enquiry form.

Written by Ben Posford

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