Housing and disrepair in the spotlight

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Recent programs and news features have highlighted more than ever how housing matters are crucially important to many households in London.

Jon Snow’s “Dispatches Landlords from Hell” shown on Channel 4 on 4th July 2011 featured homes in horrific disrepair and landlord’s unprepared to assist their tenants.  It showed examples of problems with unlawful evictions and  general abuse of tenants. From our own experiences sadly these cases are not uncommon.

ITV screened “Homes from Hell” on 12th July 2011, showed the catastrophic impact on homeowners when their home is occupied by illegal occupants

A recent BBC news feature expressed the concerns of many residents that the London Borough of Haringey and other Local Authorities will no longer carry out, in many cases, much needed improvements to their homes, due to budget cuts.

At Osbornes our Property Litigation and Social Welfare teams can assist with all of these problems.  If you are a victim of a problem with repairs at your home which your landlord, be it local authority, housing association or private individual, is not prepared to repair properly or at all then we may be able to assist you.

Osbornes offers legal aid and conditional fee agreements  (also known as “no win, no fee”) for housing disrepair.  Legal aid also covers a wide range of housing problems and if you are experiencing problems with your landlord we may be able to help.

To speak to one of our solicitors please contact us on 020 7485 8811 or fill in an online enquiry form now.

To see the range of services we offer to tenants please view our social welfare and property litigation pages.