Dog Bites and Compulsory Insurance

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Being bitten by a dog is a painful and unpleasant experience. However, receiving a dog bite does not necessarily mean that you are entitled to compensation. The claim will only have a reasonable prospect of success if the dog in question has aggressive tendencies.

Many households have cover for their dogs under either a pet insurance policy or their household insurance. The first step we will take therefore is to establish whether the dog owner has the necessary insurance to cover the claim. If they do not the injured party is left in the precarious position of having to sue someone without insurance, with no guarantee that if successful, the dog owner will have the means to satisfy the judgment against them.

The government recently announced plans by which all dogs in the United Kingdom would have to be insured. The compulsory pet insurance coverage would be designed to pay compensation in the event that the dog attacked a person. The proposals were welcomed by many but objectors pointed to the fact that insurers might not want to insure certain breeds of dogs due to the risk of having to pay out on a claim and there was no explanation of what would happen if the rules were brought in but someone was then attacked by an uninsured dog. Critics also claimed that the measures would hit law-abiding owners whose dogs did not cause any damage. Ministers therefore subsequently dropped plans for compulsory insurance.

To find out whether you can make a claim for compensation contact our personal injury department:

  • Ring us on 020 7485 8811

  • Fill in our online form

  • Text LEGAL to 60888

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