Adoption solicitor Naomi Angell speaks at Family Justice Review summit

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Naomi Angell, specialist adoption lawyer  in Osbsornes Solicitors, family law department London, spoke at a summit organised by The Law Society on the Family Justice Review in her capacity as co-chair of The Law Society Family Law Committee

The meeting was opened by the Children’s Minister, Tim Loughton MP, and other key speakers included Mr Justice Ryder and Anthony Douglas, Chief Executive of CAFCASS.  The summit concentrated on the Family Justice Review reforms of care proceedings and particularly on the need to streamline and speed up the court process.

Currently, care cases last an average of 55 weeks.  The government aims to bring in legislation for there to be a 26-week time limit because of concerns that delays in decision making by the court causes additional damage to these most vulnerable group of children in our society.

Naomi Angell agreed with the value of many of the proposals to speed up the court process but was concerned that no two care cases are the same and many are very complicated.

Naomi Commented:

“Many cases are resolved by children going to live permanently with family members, but these relatives will not put themselves forward as an option until birth parents have been ruled out.  This inevitably causes delay but must be pursued and investigated in deciding on the best option for permanency for a child”.

Naomi Angell is a leading adoption lawyer in the UK. If you are thinking about adopting a child contact Naomi for advice on the legal process.

Osbornes recently held an adoption debate which not only featured Naomi Angell but the government advisor on adoption, Martin Narey, a Court of Appeal Judge and the CEO of Adoption UK.

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