Самостоятелно заети сезонни работници

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Самостоятелно заети лица с най-висок риск при инциденти в селското стопанство Селското стопанство представлява опасна индустрия във Великобритания и според доклада на Изпълнителния орган за здраве и безопасност 2020/2021, смъртните случаи във фермите са нараснали с почти 80% през 2021 г., превръщайки селското стопанство в сектора с най -висок процент на смъртоносни наранявания на работниците от всички основни индустриални сектори. 41 души са загинали при инциденти във ферми през последните 12 месеца, което се равнява на почти един човек всяка седмица, убит по време на работа в селското стопанство на Обединеното кралство. В повечето случаи отговорните за наемането на работници като самостоятелно заети лица пренебрегват всички необходими предпазни мерки за здраве и безопасност на труда и излагат работниците си на сериозни наранявания и заболявания. Що се отнася до статистиката през 2020/2021 г. е регистриран най-големият брой смъртни случаи за последните 5 години на самонаети работници. Това изобщо не е изненадващо, тъй като в повечето ситуации тези самостоятелно заети лица не се ползват с много от трудовите права, предоставени на постоянните работници. Често ние представляваме такива клиенти и в повечето случаи подкрепяме тезата че нашите клиенти, трябва да се считат за служители, независимо от това дали са регистрирани като самостоятелно заети лица с данъчни и национални осигурителни цели, ако техните работни условия са същите като на тези лица, които работят с трудов договор (те работят по договорен начин, само за този бизнес, са под контрола на фермера/работодателя и използват инструменти и материали, предоставени от фермера/работодателя). Всяка година тази статистика отразява необходимостта от напомняне на фермерите и работодателите да се стремят да поддържат добри стандарти за здраве и безопасност, тъй като това представлява основно изискване за устойчив селскостопански бизнес. Оценките на риска трябва внимателно да анализира какво потенциално може да доведе до предпоставки за инцидент, така че да могат да се вземат решения дали са взети достатъчно предпазни мерки или трябва да се предприемат повече за защита на хората, доколкото това е „разумно възможно“. Много е важно те да вземат предвид всяка потенциална опасност и да са наясно с това кой може да пострада, това могат да бъдат служителите, случайните работници, обществеността, изпълнителите и дори собственото им семейство. Обучението за използване на защитни мерки, като предпазители на машини, ЛПС и безопасни методи на работа, е жизненоважно, но през повечето време се пренебрегва от работодателя. Да пострада при инцидент на работа може да бъде пагубно за пострадалия работник и за тези, които се грижат за някой със сериозна травма. За да говорите с нашите български юристи относно нараняването ви, моля, обадете се на Елида Димитрова на тел: 07843349633/ 02076818675 и Снежина Янкова на 07516 441448 /020 7681 9013 или попълнете онлайн формуляр и ние ще ви се обадим.
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"They punch well above their weight. The quality of service they provide equals that of any of the larger top-name firms in this area"
The group is noted for its expertise in matters relating to cycling injuries, and is the official legal partner of the London Cycling Campaign charity.
Отличен и много професионален екип от юристи. Много благодаря на Елида Димитрова и Снежина Янкова, че бяха много професионални и подкрепящи ме по време на целия иск. Горещо препоръчвам!
Горещо препоръчвам адвокатска кантора Осборнс за искове при инциденти
Силно препоръчвам Osbornes Law и по-специално Снежина Янкова за техния професионализъм, отзивчивост и ефикасност при разрешаване на иска ми по делото за щети от инцидента ми, който беше разрешен по начин, който надхвърли всичките ми очаквания.
Не се колебайте да се свържете с г-жа Янкова и Осборнс, ако имате нужда от човек, на когото можете да се доверите.
Благодаря"A small but high-powered team, dealing with cases of significant value and complexity."
"An excellent firm which achieves fantastic outcomes for clients."
"Osbornes Law have captured the magic of keeping the customer service levels of a smaller firm whilst having all the expertise and power of the biggest firms."
"A superb boutique catastrophic injury firm."
"Really good at dealing with people who have suffered a serious injury."
"Affable and charming with very good client-handling skills."
"superb firm with consummate professionals and a human touch."
Osbornes now has a team of highly experienced personal injury lawyers; particularly strong on high-value quantum cases, workplace accidents and claims involving foreign workers injured in the UK.
The team provides fantastic strength-in-depth for personal injury claims. It is also particularly well placed to service clients from Eastern Europe with specialist native language speakers. From the smallest case to a multimillion-pound spinal injury case, Osbornes has the right staff to manage every claim.
Ben Posford remains pre-eminent in his field with expert understanding of litigating cases of the upmost severity. His experience builds on Stuart Kightley’s running of the firm with recent partner additions of Rob Aylott making a fantastic addition.
A firm going from strength-to strength-which retains its client care whilst being able to offer a full personal injury service.
Beneath Ben Posford’s calm and reassuring presence, which clients love, lies a formidable tactical and legal brain. His experience tells and he gets it right at every stage of the process from arranging the best possible rehabilitation, to ensuring, so far as possible, a polite relationship with those acting for the defendant in order to ensure best and early resolution of the claim.
"Clients say he is very impressive, in terms of both his experience and his management of the personal injury team."
"They have an expanding profile in personal injury and clinical negligence and offer a superb, broad service in accidents abroad, enabled by their recruitment of bilingual legal executives who can guide non-English speakers through complex litigation."
"Solid personal injury practice well equipped to advise on high-value and high-profile claims arising from fatalities and severe head and spinal injuries."
"Offers specialist expertise in cycling-related injury claims."
"Offers specialist expertise in cauda equina syndrome cases."
"An exceptional outfit. They take on difficult cases, fight hard and win."
"Stuart Kightley is an incredibly empathetic solicitor who is very knowledgeable about traumatic brain injury."
"They are an outstanding firm to work with. They are consistently impressive in their work."
"Osbornes often handles claims valued at over £1m, particularly relating to severe brain and spinal cord injuries and niche areas such as cauda equina syndrome and cycling accidents."
"The hard-working, thorough and committed Robert Aylott, who brings significant heavyweight personal injury experience."
"Key team members include the energetic and personable Stuart Kightley who is head of the personal injury department."
Thank you for the hard work and patience and for being so patient with my constant questions.
"I have found Osbornes to be thorough, clear and understanding from the initial call. They do exactly what they say they will and with passion! I would recommend them to anyone".
Very good efficient service. Would not hesitate to use again.
I will use Osbornes for any future needs.
I don't think I could have asked for anything more. One of the best dealings I've had with the legal profession.
Sam was excellent and very professional in dealing with our claim.
Head of the personal injury department, Stuart Kightley is a first-rate practitioner, wholly focused on getting his client the best outcome in a pragmatic, sensible and consensual manner.
As a real specialist in spinal cord injuries, Ben Posford is always looking at new angles on how to maximise his cases.
Ben Posford is one of the best catastrophic injury lawyers around.
They provide exceptional service, great knowledge and understanding of the law, excellent client care and tactical nous
Stuart Kightley is praised for his expertise in catastrophic and fatal claims. Clients say he is very impressive, in terms of both his experience and his management of the personal injury team.
My claim was dealt with efficiently and professionally. Communication was excellent, and timely. Shrewd and sound advice was provided at every stage of the claim from beginning through to completion. On the basis of my personal experience I would strongly recommend Osbornes.
I just wish to thank you for your hard work and successful outcome. I am pleased with the result and would recommend you and your firm to anyone in the future.
Ben Posford … is ‘tactically astute’ and ‘one of the best personal injury solicitors around’.
Ben Posford ‘knows how to maximise the value of the claim for his clients’.
News & InsightsVIEW ALL
- 6.6.2023
London Cycling Injury Case Studies
Successful claim by cyclist injured after a hit-and-run Our client had been playing volleyball in the New Cross area of...
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Cycling Accident Claims: Client Stories
GP Awarded £1m Settlement Kate Milton, a Senior Associate at Osbornes Law settled a cycling accident claim for a 52-year-old...
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£250,000 settlement for client injured in forklift truck accident
Sophie Davies, a specialist personal injury lawyer at Osbornes Law, recently represented a client who suffered life-changing injuries following a...
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Accident at Work Client Stories
£20,000 for Industrial Injury Claim Enviro-Strip (UK) Ltd have been ordered to pay £20,000 in accident at work compensation after a worker...
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Do you have to wear a bike helmet?
Should bike helmets be mandatory in the UK? Recently, Dan Walker was involved in a nasty collision with a motorist...
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Fatal Accident Case Studies
Settlement for Pedestrian Killed Crossing the Road Laura Swaine, an Associate at Osbornes Law acted on behalf of a family...
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Bereavement Support Payment
What are Bereavement Support Payments? Bereavement Support Payments are a benefit historically only available to parents whose husband, wife or...
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Claimant receives settlement after vicious dog attack
The Claimant had been walking her two dogs on the lead, late at night, near to her home. As they...
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Pedestrian receives £1.75 million following amputation
Kate Milton, acted on behalf of a Romanian National who was hit by a speeding vehicle as she was walking...
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Motorcyclist receives £3 million in settlement
Kate Milton, a Senior Associate at Osbornes Law settled a claim for a 27-year-old motorcyclist who was involved in a...
Read more - 19.10.2022
Award nomination for catastrophic injury lawyers at Osbornes...
The personal injury team at Osbornes are delighted to be finalists at The Personal Injury Awards 2022 in the category of ‘...
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Cyclist Receives £50,000 After Hit by Sports Car
Andrew Middlehurst, a lawyer in the specialist cycling injuries team at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a cyclist...
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London cyclist struck by 4×4 receives settlement
Andrew Middlehurst, a lawyer in the specialist cycling injuries team at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a cyclist...
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Car accident client stories
Below is a summary of the car accident claims that the personal injury specialists in the personal injury claims department...
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Injured London Cyclist Receives £70,000 Settlement
Cycling accident lawyer, Laura Swaine, recently settled a claim for an injured cyclist who sustained serious injuries to her wrist...
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Top 10 Major Highway Code Changes for Cyclists
New Highway Code rules for cyclists At the end of January 2022, the Highway Code was updated to make British roads...
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Settlement reached for cyclist after insurers deny liability
Personal Injury specialist, Laura Swaine, recently settled a cycling injury claim following the driver fleeing the accident site and refusing...
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Client left with brain injuries after car accident...
Our Spanish client was the front-seat passenger in a car driven by her husband who was involved in a high-speed...
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£130,000 Settlement for Cyclist Struck by London Taxi
Andrew Middlehurst, a specialist cycling injury lawyer, has settled a claim for a cyclist who was struck by a black...
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Cycling accident advice
Now more than ever before, people are embracing the pleasures and benefits of cycling in and around London. Unsurprisingly, the...
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Settlement secured for head injury caused by hammer...
Osbornes Law has secured a £100,000 settlement for her client who suffered serious head injuries after being attacked in prison by...
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Ben Posford named catastrophic injury lawyer of the...
Osbornes Law are delighted to announce that Ben Posford has been named as ‘Catastrophic Injury Lawyer of the Year’ at...
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£270,000 settlement for school accident
Osbornes Law secures a £270,000 settlement for a Polish woman who slipped as a schoolgirl on a wet floor at school....
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£100,000 settlement for tripping at work
Osbornes Law secures £100,000 settlement for Hungarian woman who tripped over a shopping bag at work Siobhan McIvor, a Partner in...
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